Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mia is 6 months!

Yay! I'm 6 months old!

I'm gonna get that camera mommy!

No, this isn't a beer belly!

Mommy, quit tickling me!

Doing some writing...

Mia is starting to sit up with help!

Have I mentioned I L-O-V-E ice cream?

Gimme that!

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum...


Keep your eye on him mom...

Yep- made it to 6 months on the 4th! Crazy how time has flown! Seems like just yesterday; well, maybe not! Mia is huge- obviously, and we see what her stats are on the 10th when we go in for her check-up. I'm anxious to see how much she has gained. Vince was over 24 lbs at 6 months and I think she at least has some height on him if not a couple extra rolls!
She rolls all over the floor now and occasionally gets her big butt up a litlle like she's thinking of crawling. One can only hope.... she's HEAVY!
Vince is doing well too. He says something new everyday that makes me laugh. Gabe calls Mia "honey" alot which Vince has picked up on. He always giggling at her saying "oh honeeeyyy!" It's super cute. I can't believe he's almost 3! Just crazy. He moved up to a twin bed so I wouldn't have to here the head banging anymore- thanks Grammy and Grampy! He cried when you left, by the way... it was sad. We bought some Diego undies tonight to try out soon, as soon as I feel like cleaning up pee and poop I suppose. I hope that will work because I'm so tired of diapers!
Bye for now! Xoxo

1 comment:

  1. 6 months already!!! wow is right! where does that time go? She looks like such a smily doll!!! great pics!
