Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Crazy week and a half!

Well, Mia Rose was finally born on February 4, 2009 after being slightly forced into it with Petocin! I was actually already contracting, but was helped along a little, which was nice because I wanted to eat lunch! Selfish- I know.... She can out at 12:05 pm after about 10 minutes of pushing and weighed 9 lbs. 11 oz. and 21 in.! I knew she was big, but CRIP!

That evening my parents called to say that Vince was getting worse with his cold and come to find out after Gabe went home to stay with him, that he had Croup! What lousy timing! This kid is NEVER sich and never this sick if he is!! So after some consideration and a couple days at home, Mia and I went to stay with my parents to "hide" from it.

Too bad it didn't work! Mia is now sick and having a sick newborn is SCARY! We're constantly cleaning out her nose, she has a little cough, and I keep checking for breathing! Don't rememeber the last time I was this stressed...

That together with having family visits, etc. has made for an exciting week and a half that feels more like a month! Thank God Gabe has been home and will be for a little while longer.