Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mia is 9 months!!

We've made it to 9 months! Yay!!! We're pretty excited around here, she is obviously! Going to her check-up on Tuesday so we'll see her new stats then. I know she's over 26 lbs. since she got checked last week because she was sick. We're working on our way to 1 already, I can't believe it. She now claps and crawls and sometimes says mama and dada, although I'm not positive she knows she's saying it.


Ahhh hah haaaa!

Snuggle Bunnies...

Lots of junk in this trunk!

Funny Quotes from Vince:

He asks me a question and then says "Yes or no, mommy?"

To mommy's and daddy's bloodshot eyes: "Your eyes are cracked mommy!"
After every piece of candy he got trick-or-treating: "I GOT ANOTHER PIECE DADDY!!!!!!!"