Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why hello there!

We've had a super busy last six months!! We've been busy with school, work, babysitting and most importantly- MOVING! Boy, was that exhausting... But we are sooo thrilled to be here. We had so many friends and family to help and that made a huge difference and we couldn't thank you enough. The kids are having a blast, the family I babysit for lives 3 minutes away, and we have tons of space to breath and grow! We're very lucky...

Vince is about to finish his last year of preschool :(  Mommy's sad about losing her best helper and resident tattletale, but gotta let go. Sniff.... He also played a little soccer this spring and Gabe helped coach. It was a very fun time for both.

The team

Our baby Mia turned 3 in February. We can't believe how fast it went. She'll be starting preschool in the fall and Mommy is VERY glad the terrible two's are over! Well, mostly over... ;) Vince and Mia really are the best of friends, we're so happy they get along so well and are so loving; sometimes a little TOO loving!

Mommy and the kids have been babysitting Elliana and her new brother Brayden who was born in December. We've all been having a great time with the new baby. Vince loves having a "brother" around and Mia has gotten quite maternal on us! Ellie and Mia are best friends when they're not fighting- sisters to the end! And Mommy gets her baby fix and the 4 kids I always wanted, that is till I actually had 1 and realized what an idiotic idea that was! Brayden is a very happy baby, always smiling. We love him to bunches!

Here's some new house pictures...
 Front view

Great room 


Kindergarten corner :)


Dining room

 Living room- working on filling up this room a little more.
 Front door

English garden 

Back patio 

Red Bud tree bed 

 Those boxes on the patio are our new play set. Somebody come help us build it!!!

                                        Bye everybody! Hopefully it won't be another 6 months!