Saturday, September 11, 2010

Vince's 1st Day!

Vince made it through his first week of preschool! Yay!! The first day was just an orientation with mommy, daddy and the girls- Mia and Ellie, for just an hour. He went through a little bit of what school was like and met his very nice teachers. The second day he went and was still very excited. He ran inside and told daddy good-bye. Daddy told him they would get some McDonald's on the way home if he was a good boy and Vince asked if he had remembered his wallet this time- he promised him on Tuesday too, until he remembered he forgot his wallet. Way-to-go daddy!
When he got home he told me he had cried a little, he said he missed Mia. I asked if he missed me and he said "No, just Mia." Thanks Vince... way to break your mom's heart!
But he seems to like it and sounds like he'll still go back, so here's to hoping! Here are some pics below and a few of Ellie- the cute, little peanut I started babysitting a few weeks ago.

Can't wait for school

Always has to get a car in there...

Ellie is 6 months old!

Help! These kids have big heads!


  1. time certainly flies by with these little ones!

  2. Vince, you're growing up so fast! I remember when I was in school and you were brand new. Them kiddies look like they're having a ball.
