The last 2 weeks have been crazy!!!!!!!! It's unbelievable really.
The week before last started off as any other. It was Vince's second week of school and the novelty had worn off. He decided he didn't like being left at school and had started crying about it on Tuesday. He was fine after he got there, after a little while his teachers told us and had a great time. But he keep telling me "NO SCHOOL Mommy! No school, nuffin! I just wanna stay home with you and Mia." Well, Friday was going to be my first drop-off for him, and I knew he was gonna be terrible for mommy- I get the hardest time from him of course.
So, Thursday night rolls around and I send daddy and kids off for a walk for a much needed break for me. After 10 or 15 minutes I hear a loud cry off in the distance and think- that was one of my kids. But I don't hear anything after the initial yell so I go back to reading. After a few more minutes I hear a little cry, and then some giggling of Mia and then Vince screams my name and Gabe is pounding on the screen door. I run back there and Vince is gushing blood out of his mouth from what I can tell and Mia is half laughing, half crying because daddy ran them both through the field in his arms. We start checking out his mouth and see a nice gash out of his top lip, toward the corner and at first it looked like his lip was also sort of smashed (it wasn't). Once we wiped it off some more we knew we had to get to the Children's Hospital Urgent Care which thankfully is very close to us. After quickly getting in they said yes, 2 stitches should fix it right up. I won't go into the details of that but lets just say there was a hook and some nasty shots into his lip causing some terrible screams from both kids and mommy.
When Friday rolled around I knew that I wasn't going to drag him into school and of course he didn't want to go- his lip was still quite swollen and I was to emotionally exhausted, as he was I'm sure.
Weekend came and went with no more mishaps and when Tuesday and Friday rolled around for school there was literally kicking, screaming and dragging involved. Good times, but we made it. We wouldn't drag him in except that he has a great time and his teachers say he's great after he gets in the door and has a wonderful time and when he gets home he says "I had fun Mommy!" In my head I'm screaming "Then WHY do you act like we're torturing you to get you in the door?! AHHHHHHHHHH!" Oh, the joys of Motherhood.
Silly me in thinking that our weekend was going to be quiet! Saturday morning I sleep in a little till 9:30 while Gabe got up with the kids and started breakfast. When I came down stairs I went into the kitchen and get a coffee mug out. Mia is standing right in front of me asking for me to pick her up even though I already had. As I pull out a mug, I forget that I haphazardly put one on top in there and it comes falling out onto the counter. It hits another mug and they both smash, sends pieces all over- although luckily it is shatter-proof one and doesn't shatter like it would have. I realize after Mia starts crying that she has been hit and as I grab her up, I notice the slice in her eyebrow that immediately starts bleeding. Someone get me my Mother of the Year Award please!
So after we get it stopped and take a look, it is obviously very superficial, but gaping and very obvious on top of her eyebrow. There is also a very light scratch on her cheek. We talk about what to do, call our Dr. and go to CVS to get butterfly band aids and liquid bandage thinking maybe we can fix it without having to go back already- it had been barely over a week! We put the liquid bandage on it and a strip to try and close it which of course doesn't work and I realize what a stupid move it was to use that liquid because that is helping it STAY open! So I call the Urgent Care and they don't open till 12 so we have wait and hem and haw about taking her.
But we do (how would we explain it to her that we took Vince and didn't want to take her?!)and get another stitch without the shots this time since that was the most painful part with Vince and with only 1 stitch, it was easier on her. We just so happened to have about ALL the same people we had with Vince including the 2 nice ladies that did his stitches and thought we had the cutest kids since Mia started crying when Vince was getting his done. At least today they gave them some super cute stuffed polar bears that immediately made Mia stop crying, say "Awww...!" and gave it a hug. Thank God because we forgot Mini Mouse, her favorite!
This better be the end of this story for a while, when it rains, it pours!