As our son is about to begin preschool I have a little ache in my heart knowing that we have a long road in front of us that we are just beginning. We were watching Finding Nemo the other day and I got choked up on the part where dad had to let Nemo go and trust that he could do anything he put his mind to. As excited as I am for him and I, I'm also reluctant to share him. He's such a special little boy and letting him out of my sight for 2 days and week for 2 hours is going to be a little harder then I thought- and it's just going to get worse!
He was always a happy baby and big like his sister. His first word was "HOT" and his second practically was "BABY" when Mia showed up in his lap at age 2.4. I couldn't have asked for a better big brother and although they have started having their differences, they still love each other so much. Mia walked up behind him the other day and put her arms around his neck and said "Hi, bruddur..." Too cute. He is kind, smart, loving and funny and I hope that everyone else he meets sees it too, I hate to sound like a biased mama!
But I know it's time to let my buddy go out into the world and make new friends and trust that God will take care of him and that this is the beginning of a bright future!
We love you Vincent Thomas Martineau!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXO