Mia turned 1 and we had a very nice pizza party for her! Here are some pictures so those of you who weren't there, can feel like you were!
Our cupcake birthday "cake"

Grammy and Mia

Nana and Ali checking out Mia's birthday book
Grampy and Mia

Grandpa and Micheal

Uncle Paul and Uncle Steve with the scary beard!
(Mia was not a fan, sorry Uncle Steve)


Happy Birthday to you...

Blow out the candle Mia!

Yummy cupcake!

Frosting in my teeth! DELICIOUS!

Party boy- he LOVED "my
birfday hat!"

They've about had it with the party!


Have I mentioned that I LOVE MY DADDY?!

A Tea set!! Thanks Aunt Heather!
YAY!! It was a great birthday! Thanks everyone!!
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