Mia went to her 2 month check-up a couple weeks ago and was 14 lbs., 15 oz.! We knew she was chunky, but DANG! She is also 24 and 1/4 inches long. She's 95% for weight and 90% for her height. That means she bigger then 95% of most children and 90% taller, or something like that! Big girl just like her brother!
She's hopefully getting baptized this weekend on Mother's Day, which will be nice and hopefully a nice weekend. She's actually 3 months old today! I gotta get the camera out!
I'm going to try to post some pictures and videos this time. See you all soon!
She's hopefully getting baptized this weekend on Mother's Day, which will be nice and hopefully a nice weekend. She's actually 3 months old today! I gotta get the camera out!
I'm going to try to post some pictures and videos this time. See you all soon!
Awww I cant believe how fast they are both growing up! Vinnie sure loves his little sister. Thanks for making me hungry for a drumstick. Love you guys - miss you.