We've had a super busy last six months!! We've been busy with school, work, babysitting and most importantly- MOVING! Boy, was that exhausting... But we are sooo thrilled to be here. We had so many friends and family to help and that made a huge difference and we couldn't thank you enough. The kids are having a blast, the family I babysit for lives 3 minutes away, and we have tons of space to breath and grow! We're very lucky...
Vince is about to finish his last year of preschool :( Mommy's sad about losing her best helper and resident tattletale, but gotta let go. Sniff.... He also played a little soccer this spring and Gabe helped coach. It was a very fun time for both.
The team
Our baby Mia turned 3 in February. We can't believe how fast it went. She'll be starting preschool in the fall and Mommy is VERY glad the terrible two's are over! Well, mostly over... ;) Vince and Mia really are the best of friends, we're so happy they get along so well and are so loving; sometimes a little TOO loving!
Mommy and the kids have been babysitting Elliana and her new brother Brayden who was born in December. We've all been having a great time with the new baby. Vince loves having a "brother" around and Mia has gotten quite maternal on us! Ellie and Mia are best friends when they're not fighting- sisters to the end! And Mommy gets her baby fix and the 4 kids I always wanted, that is till I actually had 1 and realized what an idiotic idea that was! Brayden is a very happy baby, always smiling. We love him to bunches!
Here's some new house pictures...
Front view
Great room
Kindergarten corner :)
Dining room
Living room- working on filling up this room a little more.
Front door
English garden
Back patio
Red Bud tree bed
Those boxes on the patio are our new play set. Somebody come help us build it!!!