Friday, March 11, 2011

Been too long....

Pig tails!!

Potty time...

Haven't posted in a while! Been busy trying to get this winter over with. We've about had it! Finally got a minivan so that's been pretty exciting, I love the automatic doors and the room; the kids love the DVD player! It worked out so that was a nice surprise.

We celebrated Mia's 2nd birthday on the February 4th. She got lots of fun presents and we had a good time at Grammy and Grampy's with the family. Can't believe my baby is a little girl now. We're trying to work on potty training, she's kind of interested.
She has a BUNCH of personality which makes for exciting and feisty days. She's way too smart. Giving mommy a hard time and kissing up to daddy are her favorite things to do. And dancing- can't forget dance parties!

Vince has been having fun at school and really loves learning. He's been asking how to spell words and we're starting to learn how to read a little but for now he seems more interested in words and spelling. He's still obsessed with Monster trucks and regularly plays so hard/much with them he brakes them.

I'll try not to let it be sooo long next time! XOXO

The one picture with the kids leaving Chloe alone- poor girl!

Chloe and Grammy

An old one from this winter- Armful 'o' grandkids!!

All the girl cousins

Cousins Chloe and Mia

Mia and Maddie having a serious conversation

What's in here?!


The little artist at her table

Party boys

Party girls

Laughing so hard because Mia was shaking she was so excited to blow out the candles!

Uncle Dan and Mia blew out the candles!

A nice party!

Ellie, the little girl we watch had a birthday in March and we celebrated with her.

Opening a present we got her, surprised the kids held off....

CrAZy group photo!

Funny things Mia says:
I ask her if she wants something- "Ummm... su'e" Sounds kind of like how sure should sound instead of the "shure" that it actually sounds like.

Ask her to do something- "Nope, sawwy!"

Funny things from Vince:
We were singing along in the van to a CD and Vince said "Dad- when I open my mouth, music notes come out!"

We were walking through Target the other day and he was singing loudly, "You Are My Sunshine".