Thursday, April 16, 2009


We had a great Easter! Grammy Vincent was off of school so we went up early to Garrettsville and spent almost a week with them. Vince dyed eggs with his Uncle Paul and Aunt Kateri and had a great time. It's the little things you know... :)

Daddy joined us on the weekend and we all went to church on Easter and had a great dinner. The kids liked their baskets and Vince found some Easter eggs outside in the yard even though it was cold- he didn't mind as long as chocolate was involved. Easter evening we played Rock band and Vince had a GREAT time. He especially loved the drums as you can see in the picture above.

We made it home on Monday and now we ALL have colds! Good times!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

We at the Martineau household are hoping that this beautiful weather keeps up! We'd like to get outside and enjoy this, but it's hard with alternating naps all day long!

Mia is quite the smile button, except when she is tired! Today she is 2 months old!! She is such a happy baby. And seems like she is going to be quite the talker. She is already cooing away. And working on 6 months clothing! She is my happy, little chunky monkey!

Vince is doing pretty well. He loves being outside and there is this neighborhood cat that just LOVES him! It's really funny. His name is "Spidey" and he comes over whenever Vince is outside. He lays on the ground and lets Vince pet him and practically step on him. I found a picture... And he still LOVES his sister to death, hopefully not HER'S!
Everyone have a great Easter!!!