Well, it's been 6 weeks since we brought Mia home from the hospital! Hasn't been too bad really. Vince ADORES her completely and most times I can't get him to leave her alone. He is constantly kissing her and trying to hold her. It's cute but sometimes drives me a little crazy. And I swear he is 10x louder then before we had her! He constantly is yelling and banging and just crazy! He's 2 though, what do I expect?!
Mia is doing well. She is getting very big- no suprise there. She's probably over 11 lbs. by now and getting tall. She sleeps well at night, once you can get her to sleep- she really fights it at night! Swaddling has helped alot. There was one night a couple weeks ago that we were up till 3am- I thought we wouldn't make it! I'd like to forget that one, it's a sad day when you get really mad at a newborn... :(
So we're all adjusting pretty well. Gabe is back to work and spring is coming! Thank God so we can get out of the house a little- Vince needs to burn off some energy!
That's all for now!